experimental plot data files and scripts
Up one levelfert syn data, sevietta water data, scripts to merge and combined them with traits, and scripts to calculate species response ratios and plot level trait means
- fert syn file merged with Sevietta data — by Nathan Kraft — last modified 2008-03-31 08:01
- Fert syn file from Elsa and Katie with Sevietta watering plot data, prepared by Michal and Brody, appended to the end
- experimental plot file preparation script UPDATED — by Nathan Kraft — last modified 2008-05-14 16:06
- R script works with fertSyn+Sevietta water data file and the USDA plants traits database. It requires the USDA plot checklist, and the synonym function script to aid in matching species between the two datasets. It removes sites and experiements we are not using, and generates several intermediate data files: 1. species X trait table 2. Species X site X treatment X year relative abundances and response ratios. UPDATED to work with new KNZ plots too.
- Experimental species fert syn trait table UPDATED — by Nathan Kraft — last modified 2008-05-14 16:08
- Produced by expt plot preparation script, a file with one row for each species in FertSyn + Sevietta watering, with fert syn traits as well as a synonmized binomial that matches the USDA traits binomials for merging this with the USDA traits. UPDATED to include new KNZ plots.
- Expt species responses with traits- UPDATED — by Nathan Kraft — last modified 2008-05-14 16:04
- Produced by plot preparation script- a file with average relative abundance for each species in each treatment/ site/ year combination, with response ratio, increaser/decreaser, FertSyn Traits, and a USDA synonymized binomal to match on to merge in USDA traits. NOW INCLUDES NEW KNZ plots
- Fert Syn file + Sev, cleaned with matching binomials UPDATED — by Nathan Kraft — last modified 2008-05-14 16:19
- Produced by file preparation script- a shorted version of raw fertSyn+sev water data file with unused sites and treatments removed, and a binomial name added that matches USDA plants data. Use this to calculate plot level trait means- each row is a species abundance in a specific plot. UPDATED TO INCLUDE KNZ PLOTS
- USDA files that work with these scripts — by Nathan Kraft — last modified 2008-03-31 09:39
- verisons of the USDA traits database and the species checklist that work with these scripts- go back to these to troubleshoot if the scripts don't work with newer versions of the USDA stuff.
- Synonymy function script — by Nathan Kraft — last modified 2008-03-31 09:24
- Needed for the plot prepatation script- functions to convert a binomial to synonymized binomial in USDA plant traits, and also a function to trim a multinomial to a binomial. Requires usda plants checklist.
- calculate plot level trait means script — by Nathan Kraft — last modified 2008-03-31 09:39
- requires files produced by plot preparation script- a model of how to calculate plot level trait means- just works for % shrub right now. Also needs our cleaned up USDA plants database.
- Plot trait means — by Nathan Kraft — last modified 2008-03-31 09:32
- Produced by calculate plot trait means script- right now this is just % cover of shrub by plot.
- script for a few anovas — by Nathan Kraft — last modified 2008-03-31 09:34
- Script for a few analyses we played with at the NCEAS meeting- anovas and plots for a few things.
- Plot Level Means — by Brody Sandel — last modified 2008-04-16 15:43
- Contains data and a script for getting plot level mean trait values for seed size, GlopNet traits, growth form and lifespan.
- Konza data for more years — by Brody Sandel — last modified 2008-05-12 18:04
- Konza data for more years- cleaned up headers + rela abund — by Nathan Kraft — last modified 2008-05-14 16:31
- New version of file that Brody posted- from Jordan originally. Only change is cleaning up of column names to remove spaces, returns and parenthesis that upset R. Original file still will be useful- it contains important metadata- like units from many of the ecophys traits. Also includes relative abundance calculated in R.