Niwot Ridge Seastedt snowfence experiment
Up one leveldata, metadata, and species list from a precip addition experiment (snowfence) at the Niwot Ridge LTER
- Seastedt_snowfence_fertilization_data — by Elsa Cleland — last modified 2008-03-27 12:29
- species composition from Niwot Ridge, an alpine trundra community, that has precipitation addtion (via snowfence) and fertilization treatments (N & P)
- Niwot Ridge specieslist — by Elsa Cleland — last modified 2008-03-27 12:35
- species list, to link with species codes to link to the snowfence dataset
- Seastedt snowfence metadata — by Elsa Cleland — last modified 2008-03-27 13:34