Konza watershed metadata details
Vegetation species composition
Date of Study: Apr 01, 1983 - Present
Canopy coverage and frequency were recorded in 20 circular 10 sq m plots. Six treatments were sampled, three ungrazed and three to grazed by native grazers. In each case one of the three watersheds was unburned, another burned annually in April, the third burned every four years in April. In each treatment two soils were sampled: a lower-slope deep fertile nonrocky soil (tully silty clay loam), and a shallow rocky soil (florence cherty silt loam) on level to gently sloping ridges. In 1983 another ungrazed annual burn area (1c) was added (both tully and florence soils) because original area (1d) appeared aberrant.
Vegetation species composition from 1983. The transects were permanently layed out in the current format of 4 transects (A-D), each with 5 plots. Transect E only occurred on watershed N20B florence in 1986 and 1987. This transect is the same as the current transect D for this watershed and soil type. The old transect D was abandoned in 1987 prior to bison reintroduction. Seven cover classes were used to estimate species canopy coverage. 1 - 0-1% cover; 2 - 2-5% cover; 3 - 5-25% cover; 4 - 25-50% cover; 5 - 50-75%; 6 - 75-95% cover; 7 - 95-100% cover.