Linking microbial function with shifting plant diversity under N fertilization
Microbial communities are often sensitive to changes in N availability, yet the direction of microbial responses to N is difficult to predict. Are N effects on microbial growth and function linked to plant diversity and community composition shifts under N fertilization? Do these changes in function influence ecosystem processes? Our meta-analysis will address these questions by testing the following hypotheses:
1. Diversity in litter chemistry should support the production of a more diverse suite of extracellular enzymes by soil microbes. The diversity of extracellular enzymes in soils should decline with decreasing plant diversity under N fertilization.
2. N fertilization increases plant production and the availability of C for microbial consumption. Thus, if C resource availability is a driver of microbial growth, microbial biomass should respond to N fertilization by initially increasing with plant production, reaching an optimum biomass as plant production increases, and then declining as plant production continues to increase (hump-shaped curve).
3. Reduced N limitation and increased C availability should lead to higher production of C-targeting versus N-targeting microbial enzymes.
Data needs:
Extracellular enzyme activities and microbial biomass date from N fertilization experiments in each of 10 LTER sites. Enzymes of interest include beta-glucosidase, phenol oxidase, peroxidase, laccase, proteases. N and C mineralization data from these sites, including gross and net min fluxes.