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47 items matching your criteria. RSS Feed
USDA taxa checklist [1%] by nkraft, 2008-03-31 09:22
Used extensively for binomial name matching
fert syn file merged with Sevietta data [1%] by nkraft, 2008-03-31 08:01
Fert syn file from Elsa and Katie with Sevietta watering plot data, prepared by Michal and Brody, appended to the end
experimental plot data files and scripts [1%] by nkraft, 2008-03-31 07:59
fert syn data, sevietta water data, scripts to merge and combined them with traits, and scripts to calculate species response ratios and plot level trait means
experimental plot level relative abundances [1%] by nkraft, 2008-03-30 14:40
basically a combination of fertSyn the sevietta data, trimmed to the experiments and treatments that we want to use, with a synonymized binomial to match to ...
R synonymy function [1%] by nkraft, 2008-03-30 12:02
two R functions to take a species binomial and generate a synonymized binomial that matches the USDA plant traits database. Requires that the usda taxa ...
fert syn trait table [1%] by nkraft, 2008-03-30 11:34
species by trait datafile, with some fert syn multistate categorical traits split out into multiple binary traits. End of file includes a new binomial that ...
fert syn prepared file- just sites we are using [1%] by nkraft, 2008-03-30 11:29
produced by fert syn file prepatation script- each row is a species relative abundance averaged by year, site, and treatment, with fert syn traits pasted in. ...
fert syn file preparation script [1%] by nkraft, 2008-03-30 11:26
script to weed out unused sites and treatments, calculate treatment level abundances, match traits, make a trait table, and convert species names to binomials ...
Niwot relative abundance data- species by rows [1%] by nkraft, 2008-03-27 17:53
Script to turn Niwot data into species rows [1%] by nkraft, 2008-03-27 17:52
seastedt snowfence csv [1%] by nkraft, 2008-03-27 17:50
data - from raw excel file
Niwot snowfence data [1%] by nkraft, 2008-03-27 17:49
fertilization synthesis csv data file [1%] by nkraft, 2008-03-27 17:13
site x year x species x treatment data from Elsa, saved as a csv
Grassland precip project [1%] by nkraft, 2008-03-27 17:11
R script- community assembly [1%] by nkraft, 2008-02-14 13:02
Cornwell species means [1%] by nkraft, 2008-02-14 13:00
Cornwell plot data [1%] by nkraft, 2008-02-14 12:59
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