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15 items matching your criteria. RSS Feed
notes wed 09-may-08 [1%] by dsvehla, 2008-05-09 12:05
thoughts on a bunch of figures! see list at the bottom for the ones we think are the most important
notes wed 07-May-08 [1%] by dsvehla, 2008-05-07 12:24
a few outstanding items, logistics, plan for FRIDAY and beyond....
notes wed 30-apr-08 [1%] by dsvehla, 2008-04-30 12:23
we talked mostly about (1) climate data and how to use the PET data, and (2) a list of figures that we want to generate; tasks for next week WED were ...
notes wed 23-apr-08 [1%] by dsvehla, 2008-04-23 11:59
subgroups gave reports: PET is looking good, data has a few things to clean up, R will forge ahead and prepare for graphs and next WED at usual ...
fill down & taxon sorting functions [1%] by dsvehla, 2008-04-21 11:49
the fill down function & its required sorting function [for the latter enter the dataframe and what taxon group (i.e., MRTs, genera, families, etc) you want ...
notes wed 16-apr-08 [1%] by dsvehla, 2008-04-17 22:40
subgroups gave updates. data group requested some functionality form the R group. other tidbits decided....NEXT full group meeting is NEXT WED 23-apr-08
danielle's primary with new data added [1%] by dsvehla, 2008-04-13 18:35
note that species Petasites frigidus var. palmatus listed leaves with width 10-40 dm --> I'm pretty sure this should be 10-40 cm which corresponds to the ...
notes wed 09-apr-08 [1%] by dsvehla, 2008-04-09 14:29
data group reported, climate data issues were discussed, actions for next Wed (Apr 16) were determined, next Wed is the next whole group meeting, **** are used ...
danielle's primary data [1%] by dsvehla, 2008-04-08 15:49
CSV file of trait data from the Jepson text for Ericaceae --> primary species. (growth form field is updated in this version) NOTE: for Cassiope mertensiana ...
danielle's secondary data [1%] by dsvehla, 2008-04-08 15:48
danielle primary data [1%] by dsvehla, 2008-04-08 15:43
Ericaceae with updated growth form fields. Still noting that the leaf description for Cassiope_mertensiana as peltate did not rally match its illustration....
notes fri 04-apr-08 [1%] by dsvehla, 2008-04-04 12:30
great planning meeting with Kevin S leading our thoughts to leaf size in hydrology context. we agreed on a 1st graph to shoot for (trait vs. PET-AP) -- PET to ...
notes_wed_19-mar-08 [1%] by dsvehla, 2008-04-02 14:03
notes from our 1st project discussion: we decided on a general topic and then came up with a strategy to get leaf trait data from Jepson. please let ...
notes_fri_21-mar-08 [1%] by dsvehla, 2008-04-02 14:02
notes from our second session: we discussed issues with trait data collection from Jepson
notes_wed_02-apr-08 [1%] by dsvehla, 2008-04-02 14:01
notes from discussion: we decided on leadership, came up with subgroups and tasks
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